It’s about time, isn’t it?
Time that there was something more interesting to read than the same 6 people winning all the things or the 700th article on forage?
Well that’s what I reckon anyway… Because despite being a pretty interesting industry, the world of equestrian has borne a pretty bland media landscape.
It became pretty clear to me, that after I started telling stories instead of selling stuff on social media – that people wanted more.
The Shakeup
I decided to launch Horse Gurl, the equestrian newsletter after falling out of love with social media. I felt a bit like an unpaid slave that was gifted trolls and notification anxiety in return for sharing my stories.
What Can You Expect?
Let’s just say it’s not high level stuff.
I love a good investigation into a hideous helmet and share the anxiety I’m sure we all feel at one stage or other. Basically it’s the place you come to read stories, feel better about yourself and realise you’re not alone.
Some stories are observations, some are glimpses into my rise to mediocrity as an adult equestrian.
Sign Up here 👇
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A real story of reporting horse abuse in equestrian sports – Part 1.
In the space of 3 days last week, 3 different people inboxed me with examples of horse abuse at the hands of the same Australian dressage rider. He is currently competing at a high level in Australia and also coaches kids. “Um…I think maybe submit the complaints to the RSPCA and Equestrian Australia” I responded,…
The Recycled Racehorse
“Who’s stupid idea was this anyway?” “Oh mate I have ragrets” This is my second digital book of sorts, The Recycled Racehorse – where I take you on the another deluded adventure where I have no idea what I’m doing or even why I’m doing it. Start Reading Here: Chapter One: The Best Laid Plans Chapter Two:…
Chapter 1: The best laid plans…
Over the previous few weeks I’ve been gently laying the foundations that I wanted to buy a racehorse. Anthony was less thrilled with the idea… But like all good marketers I knew to focus on the features and benefits, while artfully glossing over any foreseeable problems. “It will be fine. We’ve got heaps of feed…